Pale skin seems to have some sort of supernatural aura about it, and is considered just as sexy and sometimes even more beautiful than tanned skin. There are many ways to bleach your skin, like using lemons however sometimes this may cause irritation or stinging, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin, and it does take a while for the effects to show. So sometimes you may want to use a gentler, quicker yet still natural product to bleach your skin. These steps can be used in partnership with the Lemon routine if you want.
Do This- 1Take a bowl and spoon in 4 table spoons (or 1 mug) of flour into it.
- 2Pour about 2-3 table spoons (or 1/2 mug) of milk onto the flour. If the milk 'swamps' the flour, add more of the flour.
- 3Mix together so it becomes a medium-thickness paste. The paste should be rather spreadable and shouldn't cling to the spoon like a thick clumpy cookie dough.
- 4Cleanse and clean your skin.
- 5Spread the paste evenly on your face and any other part of the body you wish to lighten.
- 6Leave the mask on your face for about 30 minutes or until dry.
- 7Wash off with warm water. Remove the remaining paste with cotton wool pads.
- 8Moisturize. This will keep your skin supple, clear and give the bleaching a better effect.
- 9Store the excess paste in a little jar or a bowl which is tightly cling filmed. Put the container in a fridge.
- Spread a little of the paste on the back of your hand, to check if it will spread well.
- Its an urban myth that if you moisturise your skin you will get more spots, this is not true, in fact moisturising can even help spots and clear your skin. However if in doubt, buy a moisturiser that has Aloe Vera or Tea Tree in it.
- Use this about once every week, and after about 3-4 weeks, the effects of this mask should show.
- When I used this mask for the first time, I did see a result when I took it off. My skin looked softer and definitely paler. However this may not be the same for everyone, so be patient!
- Being pale does have a beautiful almost doll like aura about it, but only if used in the right proportions. Remember; Look pale, but look healthy too.
- The Flour and Milk mask does get quite messy and can get stuck in your hair if its not tied back properly.
- The remaining bottled mask that is in the fridge will only last for about 5-7 days, though keep checking back on it and if it has mould on it, throw it out and disinfect the pot!
- It is quite hard to get off your skin sometimes, so use a flannel to get it all off. But BE GENTLE and move the flannel in circular movements across your skin. This will ex foliate it too.
- Please check to see if you are allergic to either of these ingredients.
- Plain Flour
- Milk
- A small, seal-able container. Like a jar that contained moisturiser.
- A table spoon
- A small bowl
- A facecloth/ flannel
- Moisturiser
- Cotton Wool Pads
- Warm Water
- A fridge
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